Event Details
- Thursday November 13, 2014
- Registration: 11:30 am. Lunch: 12:10 pm, presentation to follow
- Cost: OEA Members - $45 prepaid on-line; $75 at the door. Non-members - $60 prepaid on-line; $90 at the door. OEA Student members - $20 prepaid on-line; $30 at the door.
- Chateau Laurier Hotel,
Laurier Room
1 Rideau Street,
Ottawa, ON
Ottawa Economics Association (OEA): Which Road Ahead for Better Economic and Environmental Performance?
A presentation by Chris Ragan.
Canada lags many of its peers in innovation and productivity growth and also in environmental protection. The existing debate in Canada suggests that we can’t do better along both dimensions at the same time – and that we need to choose between a strong economy and a healthy environment. But this is a false choice, and fails to recognize the close long-run interdependence of our economic activity and our natural assets. It also fails to recognize the full range of policy tools at our disposal. If we do it right, policy can be designed to improve our environmental performance and also build a stronger, more innovative economy. Christopher Ragan, economics professor from McGill University and Past President of the OEA, will lay out the case for “ecofiscal” reform in Canada, drawing on lessons learned from many other jurisdictions. He will also describe a new Canadian organization created to examine and communicate the possibilities for greater use of eco-fiscal policies.